Ces parlementaires attirent notamment l’attention sur le projet Horizon 2020, très important programme de recherche auquel Israël compte bien être associé.
Ils demandent à la commission européenne qu’elle se dote bien des outils permettant l’application intégrale de ses lignes directrices spécifiant qu’Israël n’a rien à voir avec la Cisjordanie, Jérusalem-Est et Gaza, avant la signature d’un tel partenariat.
Merci de remercier vos députés européens qui figurent dans la liste ci-dessous, et de demander aux autres pourquoi ils n’ont pas signé cet appel.
Strasbourg, 20th November 2013
Baroness Catherine Ashton
High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Vice President of the European Commission
Cc : European Commissioner for Research, Innovation and Science, Ms Máir e Geoghegan Quinn Maghreb/Mashreq Working Party, Council
Re : Terms of participation of Israeli entities in EU programmes
Dear High Representative,
We are writing to call your attention to certain serious concerns regarding the arrangements about to be concluded that will determine the terms of Israel’s participation in a range of EU programmes, including Horizon 2020. We wish to call on you to take the steps that remain necessary to ensure that no form of EU funded support is provided to Israeli entities established in the settlements, which are illegal under international law, or to activities or operations of Israeli entities taking place in those settlements under any of these programmes.
As an ENP country, Israel is entitled to participate in a range of EU programmes, including Horizon 2020. The Guidelines published by the Commission on 19th July 2013 should apply to all these programmes, current and future.
In all cases, the EU must respect its own positions and commitments in conformity with international law on the non recognition by the Union of Israel’s sovereignty over the territories occupied since June 1967.
In all cases, no EU funded support of any kind may be provided to Israeli entities established in Israeli settlements or to settlement based activities. All of the eligibility criteria set out in the Guidelines must therefore be strictly implemented in their entirety in the work programmes, financing decisions, calls for proposals, rules of contests, and calls for the selection of financial intermediaries or dedicated investment vehicles. However, the necessary provisions must also be made to ensure that such critical eligibility criteria will not be rendered inoperative or unenforceable during implementation, in particular by failing to prudently address and mitigate the specific risks created by specific provisions of Israel’s national legislation. Such risks can be mitigated or eliminated if the Israeli authorities have been made fully aware of all the implementing arrangements that the Commission is planning to carry out.
- It is in the EU’s interest for reasons of legal and financial certainty to ensure that all implementing arrangements relevant to the full and effective implementation of the conditions on eligibility set out in the Guidelines are duly notified to Israel prior to concluding the procedures associating Israel to the Horizon 2020 programme.
The High Representative and Vice President of the Commission has a particular responsibility to ensure that this notification is made. In this spirit, we support your strong personal commitment on this issue and encourage you to continue on the path of strict implementation of the Guidelines.
Yours sincerely,
1.Margrete Auken, Greens/EFA (coinitiator)
2.Emer Costello, S&D (coinitiator)
3. Véronique De Keyser S&D (coinitiator)
4. Nicole Kiil-Nielsen, Greens/EFA (coinitiator)
5. Paul Murphy, GUE/NGL (coinitiator)
6. Niccolò Rinaldi, ALDE (coinitiator)
7. Graham Watson, ALDE (coinitiator)
8. François Alfonsi, Greens/EFA
9. Amelia Andersdotter, Greens/EFA
10. Martina Anderson, GUE/NGL
11. Eric Andrieu, S&D
12. Sandrine Bélier, Greens/EFA
13. Malika Benarab-Attou, Greens/EFA
14. Phil Bennion, ALDE
15. Jean-Paul Besset, Greens/EFA
16. Jean-Jacob Bicep, Greens/EFA
17. José Bové, Greens/EFA
18. Sharon Bowles, ALDE
19. Michael Cashman, S&D
20. Nikolaos Chountis, GUE/NGL
21.Nikos Chrysogelos, Greens/EFA
22. Yves Cochet, Greens/EFA
23. Daniel Cohn-Bendit, Greens/EFA
- — 24. Marije Cornelissen, Greens/EFA
25. Tarja Cronberg, Greens/EFA
26. Chris Davies, ALDE
27. Dennis de Jong, GUE/NGL
28. Karima Delli, Greens/EFA
29. Anne Delvaux, EPP
30. Andrew Duff, ALDE
31. Isabelle Durant, Greens/EFA
32. Bas Eickhout, Greens/EFA
33. Said El Khadraoui, S&D
34. Edite Estrela, S&D
35. Jill Evans, Greens/EFA
36. Göran Färm, S&D
37. Hélène Flautre, Greens/EFA
38. Sergio Gaetano Cofferati, S&D
39. Pat the Cope Gall agher ALDE
40. Vicente Garcés Ramón, S&D
41. Robert Goebbels, S&D
42. Ana Gomes, S&D
43. Catherine Grèze, Greens/EFA
44. Mikael Gustafsson, GUE/NGL
45. Fiona Hall, ALDE
46. Marian Harkin,ALDE
47. Satu Hassi, Greens/EFA
48. Anna Hedh, S&D
49. Richard Howitt, S&D
50. Stephen Hughes, S&D
51. Iñaki Irazabalbeitia, Greens/EFA
52. Liisa Jaakonsaari, S&D
53. Yannick Jadot, Greens/EFA
54. Franziska Keller, Greens/EFA
55. Maria Eleni Koppa,S&D
56. Jean Lambert, Greens/EFA
57. Philippe Lamberts, Greens/EFA
58. Patrick Le Hyaric, GUE/NGL
59. Barbara Lochbihler, Greens/EFA
60. Sabine Lösing, GUE/NGL
61. Isabella Lövin,Greens/EFA
62.Olle Ludvigsson, S&D
63. David Martin, S&D
64.Marisa Matias,UE/NGL
65. Linda McAvan,S&D
66.Arlene McCarthy, S&D
67.Edward McMillan Scott,ALDE
68.Gesine Meissner, ALDE
69.Emilio Menendez del Valle, S&D
70.Willy Meyer,GUE/NGL
71.Vital Moreira, S&D
72.María Muñiz,S&D
73.Norbert Neuser,S&D
74.Katarina Nevedalova,S&D
75.Bill Newton Dunn,ALDE
76.Annemie Neyts Uyttebroeck,ALDE
77. Jens Nilsson, S&D
78.Raimon Obiols i Germa, S&D
79.Younous Omarjee,GUE/NGL
80.Ria Oomen Ruijten,EPP
81.Antigoni Papadopoulou,S&D
82.Sirpa Pietikäinen,EPP
83.Pavel Poc, S&D
84.Phil Prendergast, S&D
85.Vittorio Prodi,S&D
86.Teresa Riera Madurell,S&D
87.Michèle Rivasi, Greens/EFA
88.Raül Romeva i Rueda,Greens/EFA
89.Libor Rouček, S&D
90.Judith Sargentini, Greens/EFA
91.Marietje Schaake,ALDE
92.Carl Schlyter,Greens/EFA
93. Helmut Scholz, GUE/NGL
94. Olga Sehnalová,S&D
95.Joanna Senyszyn,S&D
96. Søren Søndergaard,GUE/NGL
97. Alda Sousa, GUE/NGL
98. Bart Staes,Greens/EFA
99.Catherine Stihler, S&D
100. Rebecca Taylor, ALDE
101.Keith Taylor, Greens
102. Alexandra Thein,ALDE
103.Isabelle Thomas, S&D
104. Kyriacos Triantaphyllides,GUE/NGL
105. Claude Turmes,Greens/EFA
106. Emilie Turunen,S&D
107. Marita Ulvskog, S&D
108. Ivo Vajgl, ALDE
109. Kathleen Van Brempt, S&D
110. Gianni Vattimo,ALDE
111.Åsa Westlund, S&D
112. Sabine Wils, GUE/NGL
113.Andrea Zanoni, ALDE
114.Gabriele Zimmer,GUE/NGL
NOTE de la rédaction:
Document de l’Écho des Montagnes, FOURNI GRATUITEMENT, vous pouvez le commander bien sur à la BNS:
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Livre historique, rare, décrivant la controverse du talmud sous SAINT LOUIS, vers 1240: à conserver pieusement.
Frédéric BERGER, rédacteur en chef savoisien de l’Écho des Montagnes